Diekan wrote:I'm still waiting for him to answer my questions.
Hey, it also pisses me off when I see corporate execs inflating their profitablity numbers so they get more people to invest in their truly failing company... and they sell all the stock and bail out as multi-millionaires, and the investors just lost all their money and pension funds, and retirement money, etc. That crap makes me sick.
Crooks like Kenneth Lay make me sick. But to lump in a business genious like Bill Gates,along with the likes of Kenneth Lay,is just wrong. Outsourcing is inevitable. As technology and scientific advances make constant progress, a lot of things get outdated and therefore outsourced. Companies must be efficient to be profitable. That's just life.
If you want to "stay on top" and stay ahead of the other guy, you better never stop learning, and always be willing to learn new skills to make yourself the natural choice for management when it comes time to deciding who gets the promotions and raises, and who gets laid off or not laid off.