I'm laughing my ass off over here...
The fucking CEO of the company evidently lives in a fucking igloo because he has to keep the A/C on at 65° 24/7. My office is connected to his and so we use the same fucking thermostat. Well... yesterday afternoon, I was freezing my ass off (seriously, it was ice-glued stuck to the chair) so I took a can of compressed air, turned it upside down and sprayed underneath the thermostat for 20 seconds. It's one of those digital jobs with a stupid plastic cover (keeps the vandals out!) but the 'straw' for the air fit through the slots just fine. After 20 seconds, the display on the thermostat read -13°. The A/C kicked off immediately =p.
Unfortunately, they had it set to 'maintain' XXX degrees, not 'cool only when it rises above XXX degrees. So... the heater kicked on, like, inferno style. The other thermostats are now freaking out because they are all fighting against this furnace from the seventh pit of hades... so the whole system is just completely fucked up!
So... at 4, I went home .
Today, the A/C is back on full blast, but they hired out some badass A/C guy to come by to figure out wtf happened. Oh... and since the heater hasn't been on for months, it stunk like funk... but not until I left, so... I win twice. Anyway... they are all debating whether or not they should replace the thermostat because it's OBVIOUSLY faulty... and the A/C guy says it's JUST FINE - shouldn't be 'covered' under their support deal.
and lolz.