I'm getting a fake pink chanel suit and pillbox hat and going as Dr. Girlfriend. Either that, or all in black with hands and face painted and my white earbuds and being an iPod dancer.
I'm going as a drunken halloween protester. This costume consists of 1) A bottle of Canadian Rye Whisky 2) a paper sign hanging around neck that reads "Fuck Halloween".
I have a santa claus hat around here I might wear too if i can find it.
Speaking of Rocky Horror in another thread, a friend of mine, a couple years ago, dressed all in black, painted his face black and put on BRIGHT red lipstick. He was The Mouth
Some of you sports people can dress in a ref's uniform, put on sunglasses and use PVC (right?) pipe as a walking stick and be a Blind Ref. Lady at a party 2 years ago did that. It was cute.
Darcler wrote:I go the The Village block party every Halloween (gay district in Dallas) and there are a lot of things like that. I will post pictures next month.
I'm going to be Slash, former Guns N' Roses member
I have a sweet top hat, sweet greasy black hair wig, kick ass denim jacket, hot aviators, tight black pants and black boots. I also have one of those $10 walmart player guitars. Gunna be so awesome.
I know now why you cry, but it is something I can never do...