by liquidstayce » Mon Mar 27, 2006 5:56 am
Hi... I tried to call you all day Sunday and this morning. You vanished. Anyway, hope you are having fun whatever you are doing and everything is ok. I'm guessing you are at least playing WoW since you are posting here. Hope the dogs are ok as well. Give me a call to touch base or at least respond here since I really seem to have no other way of reaching you other then NT. I guess I can try your work later this morning as well. Wish you would charge up the cell phone. I know.. only the millionth time I've said that. Just doesn't seem to make sense for us to pay for a cell phone if you are going to leave it dead in some drawer. Plus it would be just nice to know that you are alive.
I had fun yesterday. When to Boston University for a Hockey game in the morning to see Michelle's boyfriend play. He is in an adult league - 22 - 42 yr olds. In the afternoon we went to Cape Cod to see Robin and her new baby, Gavin.. Danielle came with us. Then had dinner over at the 99. I'm just planning to veg out at Michelles house today. Rich and Michelle are working. I'll probably go for a little run soon and that is about it. We might do a yoga late afternoon when she gets home. I'm not feeling too hot. Have a really bad sore throat. Hopefully not the same strep Jen had last week. Tonight I am meeting Tammy (old boss at MEDITECH), Debbie (I'm her old boss at MEDITECH - she is still there), and Lenny out for dinner around 6pm over in Dedham.
My flight gets in to BWI on Tuesday at 10ish. Hope you can still pick me up at the airport. If not, let me know and I can take a cab.