Moderator: Dictators in Training
spazz wrote:Why in the fuck do teachers need the right to strip search students ?
arlos wrote:It is possible to improve public schools without dismantling them entirely. You fail to take into account the fact that there ARE a great many well-performing public schools, that actually provide a good education. I went to public schools my entire life, save for 1 semester when I lived in Kansas, and came out of high school with 20-something credits of AP classes and a 1500 on the SAT. Would hardly indicate a "failed" school system here in California, eh?
School vouchers have repeatedly come up for vote here in California via the initiative ballot system, so we vote on them as statewide measures. Every single time it's come up for vote, it's been voted down by significant margins. The Voucher supporters have pretty much given up at this point, but they cannot even begin to claim they didn't get a fair chance, as we had no less than 3 or 4 voucher initiatives in a 5 year span. None even came close to getting even a simple majority.
the point here isn't to say every school is bad, but that choice is always better.
arlos wrote:I am against voucher schools, for a primary reason, because they equate to a rebate to those who are already rich enough to send their kids to private schools anyway. As private institutions, they will be able to exclude enrollment to whoever they so choose. The best ones will still cost money on top of what the vouchers cover.
Current private schools will just declare themselves to be exclusive voucher schools, and not one person who couldn't go there anyway would go there afterwards, it would just amount to a rebate to the rich, who don't exactly need the money.
Meanwhile, the public school system would be gutted, as every dollar that went to a voucher school would come out of its budget, and they already don't have enough money.
Besides which, as I said, there will be no accounting for standards at such private schools. They could teach anything and everything on top of whatever limited required core that're required. Sorry, but I have no interest in my tax dollars going to fund the KKK academy or some christian school that is teaching creationism.
Yes, there are some reforms needed in the public school system, but if you really want to make a change, work with it; join the PTA and/or get yourself elected to the school board. Don't blow up the entire system.
The point here is kids at very bad schools will have choices, and thats what we want to address. it doesn't mean every kid will succeed but that parents have options and the defunct poor union structure that has many substandard teachers who are untouchable will finally have some sort of accountability.
Yamori wrote:A school at the top end of the spectrum of mediocrity is still mediocre.
I've probably said it before, but the public schools I went to was a "great" school. It was extremely well funded. It was clean, in a safe neighborhood, and maintained order to a decent degree. It produced good test scores and a high graduation rate.
It was still an utterly shitty, wasteful experience.
90% of the people graduating had no idea about what the world is and how it works in a generalized way (that is, basic concepts of history, language, mathematics, science, and politics) that would stick with them throughout their lives. They did not leave as critical thinkers. They did not leave as well-rounded citizens who were better prepared for functioning well in the adult world.
Instead they left school as a batch of people who sat around in a building every day for 4 years doing busywork and memorizing answers to tests.
Even putting issues efficiency of hiring/firing, and control over whom is selected as students aside - the lack of competition makes even well funded schools a shameful waste of potential, time, and money.
I think the problem here is a major difference in basic philosophies.
If there is a demand to make all peoples' educations equal, inevitably it means that either all schools in the country must be amazingly superb - or that those who could get a significantly better education than others will need to be dragged down in the name of fairness and equality. And I think that's insane.
People need to face the facts that equality of education does not exist, nor will it ever. Even under the current socialized system of schools, there are huge differences between schools in poor areas and schools in affluent areas. By all means society should strive for giving everyone a good education - but it should not strive to enforce an equal one.
I'd personally like to see some people get a barely acceptable education, while others get a great education... than to see almost everyone get an equally 'barely acceptable' education. Because as of right now, people basically become educated and successful in spite of their basic education - definitely not because of it. Something is very wrong with that.
Gargamellow wrote:Excuse me but there are more ndrugs and weapons in schools these days than meets the eye. I for one would rather have my kid be searched along with some other gun-toting punk, rather than have that gun-toting punk shoot my fucking kid in the face for telling him to fuck off or something.
The world is not the same as it used to be. Things are out of control worse than ever. I can't blame anyone but our own society for forgetting not God, but the basic principles on which our nation was founded.
Hell YES let's search these young punks who are bringing crack into the classrooms! How can anyone learn with poison being peer pressured right into their brains? And don't tell me that peer pressure doesn't exist because it does, and at all levels of age.
Hell YES I agree with searching anyone who walks into the halls of my child's learning center. Search them ALL.
If they don't like their rights being stripped form them, perhaps they should move to another country where the government doesn't exist so they can be shot in the face for crossing the street by more than just punk kids.
God forbid we crack down on your children and try to save their futures, maybe even their lives.
numatu wrote:Doesn't matter how much money is thrown at the current public education system; it ends up becoming all pork and bureaucracy. U.S. spends more on education than any country in the world, with the shittiest return. The amount of money wasted and not getting into the classroom is staggering. People running education bureaucracy know that if people had a choice in their education, their monopoly and sustinence would eventually dwindle -- as many people would choose to leave a system run so blatantly inefficient. I personally don't care for vouchers, because it's simply a band-aid solution to a much needed complete overhaul of education.
Gargamellow wrote:Excuse me but there are more ndrugs and weapons in schools these days than meets the eye. I for one would rather have my kid be searched along with some other gun-toting punk, rather than have that gun-toting punk shoot my fucking kid in the face for telling him to fuck off or something.
The world is not the same as it used to be. Things are out of control worse than ever. I can't blame anyone but our own society for forgetting not God, but the basic principles on which our nation was founded.
Hell YES let's search these young punks who are bringing crack into the classrooms! How can anyone learn with poison being peer pressured right into their brains? And don't tell me that peer pressure doesn't exist because it does, and at all levels of age.
Hell YES I agree with searching anyone who walks into the halls of my child's learning center. Search them ALL.
If they don't like their rights being stripped form them, perhaps they should move to another country where the government doesn't exist so they can be shot in the face for crossing the street by more than just punk kids.
God forbid we crack down on your children and try to save their futures, maybe even their lives.
Naethyn wrote:
I guess they shouldn't standardize the voting machines either. It would be horrible to fix the ones here in Florida through standardization. Especially if rich_state_01 doesn't get the machines that use speakers to read the ballot because it wasn't financially possible nation wide.
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