<--------- this is me, sick of being quiet about the bullshit that happens behind the scenes.
I have had it with the hush hush crap and I won't put up with it anymore!
You wanna know what REALLY happens behind the scenes in Blazing Phoenix on The Nameless server? We'll I'll let you know!
Thieves who are caught stealing from us (Mordiin) are allowed to stay amoung us, and when they are asked to leave, not because they are thieves and stealing from the guild as a whole (the banker and guild trader HA as if), but they are asked to leave because they are apping to other guilds.
Once denied to other guilds they are allowed to rejoin BP? AS IF! I have seen better people turned out of the guild for less!!!
And then they make the "black list" that is hidden from everyone in the officers section of the guildportal site. Some of the people on their are incorrectly marked as trouble makers only because of what I'm doing right now, telling the truth of what happens!!!!
Officers are asked to keep things hush hush so that people don't get a bad opinion of the guild or it's leaders, Dafurbear and Dovena, the 2 most wishy washy people I have ever seen, and trying to hide behind lies and simply not talk about whats really going on is WRONG!!!!
I think if a guild has a thief amoung them, get rid of the problem, but apparently they think or feel teh problem is the person who goes against whatever they wish to do. If you have a bad opinion keep it to yourself? AS IF!
2 leaders who do not listen to the concerns of their members or thier officer are useless! Might as well not have any officers at all!
Once upon a time I believed this guild was going places in an honest manner, but now I have seen what REALLY happens behind the scenes and I will not be quiet about it any longer. GOOD people have the right to know who they can and can't trust. This has ALWAYS been my way of thinking, before, during and after Blazing Phoenix!
And they like to delete posts they find might stir up questions of such things that happen behind the scenes as well. I mean they don't want to look bad after all! Tunare forbid!
So there is no real freedom of speach in said forums.
So this is my rant!!! My rant of facts, my rant of opinion, and my rant simply because I am tired of reading lies and misconceptions about this once nice guild to be in.
And for those who like to talk behind peoples backs in this guild, I'd like to take the knife out of my back and shove it straight up your ass! You know who you are! (Clericawonder, wife of Mordiin)
I use to like playing this game and lately I don't even want to hear the bullshit fly, I can't even tolerate listening to it because I know the truth!
I have been expelled from Blazing Phoenix, I am fairly certain anyway, because I threatened to right this post!!! And so be it! Thank god!! Get me out of this hell!
As a whole, the members of BP are a great bunch of people, which is why I can no longer be silent, why would you want to lie, sneak and keep everything so hush hush from such a great group.
GL to those who are still in BP and I hope things get metter behind the scenes even though you don't really see anything wrong.
I lubs MOST of you! And feel free to send me a message now and again!