Xaiveir wrote:Harrison wrote:Chewbacca and his race are by far the coolest thing about star wars.
The Ewoks in Jedi, were originally suppose to all be wookies...but he decided to change it. Good call George...good call. Stormtroopers and the Empire get beat up by teddy bears and not 7 ft tall wookies.
Keep in mind that was before CGI and all that shit, my take on this was they didn't have the cash (keep in mind this was '79 iirc) and they thought that many "ape" suits would look stupid.
If you go back and watch the Return of the Jedi, or even the first, a new hope, Yoda looks like ASS, complete and utter ASS.
Lucas is building an entire new campus for is company. I think he should redo 1, 2 and 3 and make them what there were meant to be instead of this mcmuppet shit they used. CGI for the win :p
'79 is when "A New Hope" came out i think, don't know about Return of da Jedi