by Gypsiyee » Thu Dec 14, 2006 4:54 pm
wow I didn't check NT for a day and I totally missed the derail.
Spazz, you sir, are a white trash wanna be black hardass stoner with no ambition in life and lack the common sense to even post a half intelligent statement without throwing in some cliche ebonic YOYO YOOOOOOO IM FROM MICHIGAN IM FROM THE HOOOOOOD YALL bullshit - you think it makes you look hard, but I can guarantee you no one on this message board is intimidated by your ignorant loser spewings - more accurately, you're one of those people that you can't help but cock your head to the side and wonder to yourself, 'is he serious? no, he can't be serious. no one is that stupid..really? wow.'
I challenge you for one day to act like a normal person instead of some stereotypical wigger - I think it'd be interesting to see. Actually, I'd much prefer you post a picture of yourself, so we can laugh at your icy hot stunna hardcore ass.
I'm sure you're going to respond with some bullshit about how I'm some white simple bitch who comes from money and thinks she's better than everyone, but before you make an ass out of yourself let me just lay it on the line right now that that's not the case - even Jay will happily tell you that my background is quite the opposite.
Pick your battles for fucks' sake, don't just go attacking someone who's never once done anything to you. It doesn't make you cool, it doesn't make you tough, it makes you a douchenozzle fuckspard that everyone knows has nothing to contribute in any sense of the word.
"I think you may be confusing government running amok with government doing stuff you don't like. See, you're in the
minority now. It's
supposed to taste like a shit taco." - Jon Stewart