by Burgy99 » Wed Jan 17, 2007 8:05 am
So far the BC has been fun. My guild had 6 out of the first 10 to get to 61 for some reason =p Alot of the guys are sitting around 63ish now, nothing crazy. Theres alot of the same, but theres some fresh stuff tossed in too. Just seeing new areas is nice again, especially once you step foot out of Hellfire . The citadel itself is a joke, very easy. The exp mobs ? -2 shotable, easy. Atleast it's not stressfull =p We were the first to run the Slavepens yesterday, and that zone was a bit harder. The bosses actually tapped your healers mana pool... that Quagmirran dude is nuts at 61 =p
So far i'm pretty happy with things, all of the greens are better than Molten Core gear, and alot of the blues around this lvl are AQ40/BWL-ish. Naxx gear hasn't even been close to being replaced with the lvl 63 stuff, it's still going pretty strong.
Overall, I'm having a blast. And blood elf alts are gay, but Frostitute is an awesome name.