Ok, first why do you direct this at me? You honestly know nothing of my situation or life, really. I stated an opinion. It'd be nice if you did the same. The fact I have a big 401k and have cleared a lot of money for the same company over the last 10 years does not mean things are swimming, as you seem to think they are. Many others have lost their jobs due to this global outsourcing with no valid reason, except the other corporate jones' are doing the same.
Your second paragraph is almost contextually identical to Gordon Gecko from Wall Street. Forgive me if I disagree and feel that greed is not good when it is solely due to acclimation of wealth. That wealth is based on our economy, as is your and my standard of living. If we decimate the middle class, which will crush the housing market, and slide to the revenue that we depend on than suddenly 'wealth' will be meaningless as the dollar will be worthless.
There is plenty of proof that moving jobs overseas hurts Americans. It degrades the middle class and will slowly drain both the economy and the talent we have here.
I believe we need to have regulations in place, or at least safeguards to disallow state and federal contracts based on outsourcing. If a company wants to outsource, fine. Those billion dollar government contracts need to be given to other companies that aren't paying for American workers. ASAFP.