Border Security and Immigration Reform Act of 2007

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Border Security and Immigration Reform Act of 2007

Postby Lueyen » Sun May 20, 2007 1:50 pm

Summary from: American Immigration Lawyers Association

Title I

Title I requires the Secretary of Homeland Security to certify that the triggers are met before the Title IV (Guest Worker) and Title VI (Z visa ) programs can begin, with the exception of probationary status for Z workers and the programs for agricultural workers.

Triggers include:
18,000 (CBP) Border Patrol hired
Construction of 200 miles of vehicle barriers and 370 miles of fencing
70 ground-based radar and camera towers along the southern border
Deployment of 4 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and supporting systems
The ending of catch-and-release
Resources to detain up to 27,500 aliens per day on an annual basis
The use of secure and effective identification tools to prevent unauthorized work.
The receiving and processing and adjudicating of applications for Z status.
Title I also includes authorities and resources to augment border security including:
physical infrastructure along the border
additional field and investigative agents
comprehensive plans and studies of the border region
revisions to law enforcement techniques and enhanced authorities.

Title II

Title II provides for interior enforcement of immigration laws.

The stiffening of laws and penalties relate to:
the detention of criminal aliens
the definition of aggravated felony
gang violence
passport, visa, and immigration fraud, including marriage fraud
Other provisions include language regarding:
Increased penalties for illegal entry and reentry
encouraging aliens to depart voluntarily
prohibiting aliens from possessing firearms
alternatives to detention
state and local law enforcement reimbursement and training
the streamlining of background checks for immigration status

Title III

Title III addresses workplace enforcement by increasing penalties, revising and making mandatory a system of electronic employment verification, and promoting information sharing.

This Title designs a worksite enforcement system that relies on electronic employment verification and a reduced list of documents that may be presented to employers to prove identity and work eligibility.
Also increases penalties significantly over current law for unlawful hiring, employment, and recordkeeping violations.
Verification of employees: As of the date of enactment, employers in national security-related industries, industries involving critical infrastructure, and federal contractors may be required to electronically verify employees, including new hires and/or current employees, with additional employers or industries added after 6 months.
All employers would be required to electronically verify new hires within 18 months of enactment, or on the date on which the Secretary certifies that the system is operational.
Once the system is implemented, all employers would be required to verify all current employees within by 3 years after enactment.
Structure of the EEVS: After the date of hire but no later than the first day of employment, the employer must transmit to the EEVS via the Internet the data that the employer has taken from the worker's identity and work eligibility documents.

Inconclusive determinations: Where the EEVS cannot conclusively determine the status of a worker's eligibility, a further action notice is issued and the individual must contact the appropriate federal or state agency to initiate resolution of status and the individual continues to work while the agency resolves his or her status.

Final nonconfirmation: If the employer has received a final non-confirmation regarding an individual, the employer must terminate the employment of the individual, unless the individual files an administrative appeal of a final non-confirmation notice within 15 days.

Data and Information Sharing: The Commissioner of Social Security must information to the Secretary of DHS regarding data contained within the Social Security database as in relates to employment verification.

Fraud and tamper resistant social security cards: Not later than 180 days after date of enactment, the Commissioner is required to begin work to administer and issue fraud-resistant, tamper-resistant Social Security cards.

Title IV

Title IV establishes a new temporary Y worker program to address future labor needs of temporary foreign workers and discourage future illegal employment of undocumented individuals. The title also includes measures to protect the rights of U.S. and foreign workers and prevent the U.S. employer from abusing the program.

Structure of new visa programs: This title creates a new future temporary worker program for workers who are coming to the U.S. to perform temporary job that the U.S. employer is unable to fill. It provides for:
non-seasonal Y temporary worker (Y-1 visa)
seasonal temporary worker
Y-2A for agricultural workers, sheepherder, goat herders, and dairy workers
Y-2B for non-agricultural workers; and
their spouses and minor children (Y-3 visa).
Matching Willing Workers with Willing Employers: All Y workers must be matched to a "willing employers" through an electronic database in order to qualify for a Y worker visa.
Families of Y visa holders: can only accompany Y workers if the worker can:
show proof of valid medical insurance and
demonstrate that the wages of the principal Y nonimmigrant(s) are 150% above poverty level for the household size.
Spouses and children who do not qualify for Y-3 visa may be admitted under other nonimmigrant status.
Period of admission: A Y-1 worker can be admitted for a two year period that can be renewed twice if that worker spends a period of one year outside the United States between each admission.
A Y-1 accompanied by dependents is afforded a single two year visa, non-renewable.
Workers with Y-2A and Y-2B visa qualify for 10 month visas; no extensions may be granted.
Permanent Bar: Y worker who fails to timely depart is permanently barred from any future immigration benefit.
Wage: The employer must attest that the Y worker will be paid not less than the greater of the actual wage paid by the employer to all other similarly situated workers or the "prevailing competitive wage."
Numerical Limitation: The Y-1 visa program has an initial cap of 400,000 with yearly adjustments based on market fluctuations.
There are no numerical limitations for Y-2A while the Y-2B visas are initially capped at 100,000 with yearly adjustment based on market fluctuations.
The market-based fluctuation is adjusted every 6 months during the fiscal year.
The Y-3 visa for spouses and minor children limit may not exceed 20% of annual limit for Y-1 visas.
A newly created Standing Commission will make recommendations to Congress regarding the Y visa numerical cap for each fiscal year following the initial year of the program

Title V

Title V restructures and rebalances the current system by which green cards are distributed.

Rebalancing of Immigrant Visa Allocation: Resets the number of family-based, family backlog, merit-based immigrants, and eventual Z immigration green cards.
The family categories are less than under current law since several of the extended family categories are reduced, while the merit-based is increased over the current employment-based levels after the processing of the family-based backlog.
An annual total of 440,000 visas are allotted to process the backlog of family-based categories.
It is estimated that the family backlog cases can all be processed in 8 years.
An annual total of 10,000 visas are set aside for exceptional Y workers.
Merit Based Points System: The current employment based green card system will be replaced by a merit based points system.
Reducing Chain Migration and Permitting Petitions by Nationals: Elimination and reconfiguring of the following family-based preference categories:
First: Unmarried Sons and Daughters of Citizens
Second: Unmarried Sons and Daughters of Permanent Residents other than spouses and minor children of permanent residents
Third: Married Sons and Daughters of Citizens
Fourth: Brothers and Sisters of Adult Citizens
Sets cap of 40,000 per fiscal year on category for parents of U.S. citizens.
Sets cap of 87,000 per fiscal year on the second preference category for spouses and children of permanent residents.
Elimination of Backlog: If the family-based visa petition in the eliminated category is filed before May 1, 2005, the petition can be processed under the prior law.

Title VI

This title provides a new visa for most individuals currently living within the U.S. illegally.

Creates a new four-year, renewable "Z" nonimmigrant visa to address the undocumented population within the U.S. The visa is split up into three groups:
a principal or employed alien (Z-1),
the spouse or elderly parent of that alien (Z-2),
and the minor children of that alien (Z-3).
Cut off Date: In order to be eligible for this visa, one must have been illegally present within the U.S. before January 1, 2007.
Fees and Penalties: To apply, an alien seeking Z-1 status must be currently employed and pay fees and penalties totaling $5,000 (less for derivative Z's) to be eligible for a green card under the merit-based system.
Probationary, the Permanent Z Status: Once an applicant submits a completed application, fingerprints, and is cleared by one-day background checks he will receive probationary benefits which can eventually be converted to a Z nonimmigrant status after all background checks are clear and the triggers set forth in Title I are achieved.
LPR Status: A Z-1 nonimmigrant may adjust status to lawful permanent residence after the family backlog under Title V is eliminated if the Z applicant:
Satisfies the merit requirements in the points schedule set forth in Title V.
files the application for adjustment in the Z-1's country of origin and
pays a penalty of $4,000.
DREAM ACT: Individuals under the age of 30 that were brought to the United States out of their own control as a minor are eligible to receive their green card after 3 years rather than 8.

Title VII

Title VII includes a number of miscellaneous provisions involving assimilation, including increased funding for the office of citizenship and integration ($100M)

I was curious as to peoples thoughts on this. My personal opinion is that the 1980's immigration reform had triggers which were either ignored or ineffective, leading to the problems we have today. I'd rather see the federal government first prove to the people of the US that it can effectively implement Title's I and II before moving on with the rest. Yes I feel it's amnesty by another name, but I'm not so naive to believe we can feasibly deport all illegal aliens at this point. Before we can effectively deal with internal issues in regards to illegal aliens, we must first stop or at least severely curtail increases.

The real issue I have with all of this is everyone is behind it, except maybe the citizens of the US. Politicians see votes, Unions see members, Big Business sees cheap labor, Other countries see a chance to export their poor ect. I also don't care for the idea of a guest worker program if it's implementation creates what is essentially second class citizens. If someone is pursuing citizenship, guest worker status is not imho the right way to go if it's going to be anything long term. We don't need a large group of people living and working here who enjoy the majority of the rights of citizenship save for a voice in government.
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Postby Evermore » Sun May 20, 2007 5:03 pm

it isnt going to work any better then the old law. the government has held true and just added another one instead of fixing the existing. To be honest, we need to close our border and make all the immagrents go thru legally before we have any hope of something like this working
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Postby Yamori » Sun May 20, 2007 5:48 pm

A national sales tax replacing the current income tax would solve 65% of the problems caused by illegals.
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Postby kaharthemad » Mon May 21, 2007 6:59 am

remember though 4 of the 6 FT dix terrorists plus about 8 of the asshats from 2001 would be US citizens.

My point being is this. So these fuckers creep over our border ILLEGALLY and we should grant them citizenship? My ass. Soon as dumb motherfucking idiots stop hiring illegals then the problem will be solved.

Three steps.

One: Pull the two border agents that shot the drug dealer out of prison and give them a medal and then a reprimand for not killing him.

Two: valid social and a valid drivers license to hire. Wait...we are supposed to do that already. Have a database setup to check validity of the license and social

Three strict punishments in form of punitive damages or just as strict for those people that knowingly hire non work visa caring Illegal aliens.

I have no problems with allowing those people with work visa to work. However the word illegal means just that ILLEGAL.

To make sure they dont come back. close the Mexican border, build up a nice wall between us and then electrify it.

I still say tattoing the word illegal on the fuckers forhead will work fine for letting us know if he is a repeat offender. but a fingerprinting the morons will work too i guess.
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Postby kinghooter00 » Tue May 22, 2007 9:42 am

as harsh as he said it, i Definitely agree.
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Postby kaharthemad » Wed May 23, 2007 6:09 am

we could do a 3 strikes your out policy,

First time we catch them we fingerprint them.
Second we flog them and throw them back
Third time we televise the firing squad on EspTV
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Postby Lyion » Wed May 23, 2007 7:05 am

Am I the only one who feels the system doesn't need billions of more dollars, mass change, and more bureaucracy? Just leave it alone.

What a waste of time and money. If we catch them, deport them. If cities don't care to deport them, then who cares?

The homeland security angle is just propaganda. We are a free nation, and while we can be secure, there should not be a fear angle to this.
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Postby kaharthemad » Wed May 23, 2007 7:29 am

red tape. shoot them after the third border jump, televise it. Problem solved. That goes for Canada too.

You can visit, just dont stay here.

Look yes it is a free country, but do you believe we should feed and house illegals? I dont, but we do. At present State of California Prison system houses about 30 percent illegal immigrants.

How much money is going to Mexico?

And of course you say homeland security is propaganda. I got an Idea, lets invite every terrorists over here, give them amnesty and let them just shoot people in the streets and blow up buildings?

The fact that the Fort Dix 6 were all border crossers from Mexico does not bother you at all?

Lyion I am one who believes in legal immigration. If we didnt we would have 1200 Norsemen, and about 6 million Indians total, and Canada Canada. The key word in the first sentence is 'LEGAL' But to say this is not an issue is just putting blinders on.

You want to know which party is at fault for this clusterfuck? Both

The Republican party has placed the Abortion blinders on and is making a mad dash to the elections without touching the major issues.

Most of the Dems are ignoring the issue as well they are using the Ostrich in the sand technique.

My vote in the primaries as well as the presidental election will go to the person who does not give a rats ass about abortion and who really cares about our security. The Roe V Wade issue is for morons who cant find a decent position to talk on. Democrat or republican. Whichever person promises strict policy on the border and not this bullshit they drafted in congress gets my vote.

We need stronger border patrols and if that is not enough, arm the minutemen. Let the Vietnam and Desert Storm vets sitting out there without pay have a little target practice.

Wars have been started over mass invasions, and Mexico is doing just that. Its stime to start throwing the fuckers back over the fence and punishing the ones that come back. We build a wall that makes Berlin look like a chicken coup fence and we allow those that go thru the process of getting a work visa stay.

If you want an easy way of becoming a citizen? how about this.. 2years service in the military, reserves, coast guard, or we create a US Corp of engineers group specifically designed to build the damn border wall and patrol it.

After 2 years if you leave with an Honorable Discharge or higher, Grats your a citizen.
Now they have helped our country, and they have some training they can apply to other areas.
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Postby Ganzo » Wed May 23, 2007 8:05 am

remove all restrictions between northern and southern American continents, in 10 years problem will be solved
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Narrock wrote:Yup, I ... was just trolling.

Narrock wrote:I wikipedia'd everything first.
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Postby Gypsiyee » Wed May 23, 2007 8:16 am

So you want to kill people for wanting to live in the states? I'm all for legal immigration, and I'm certainly against illegals who come here to start trouble, but it needs to be understood that gaining legal access to this country is a horrendous process and people do things out of desperation to get out of a terrible place to live. It's not about anything but money - the more money you have, the easier it is to immigrate. For the hard working Jose who wants to come here and support his family, he's going to need to show reason to be here and if he doesn't have immense amounts of money to pay the government and an attorney off he's going to go on some low priority list that no one cares about and it'll be years before he even gets a glance.

The immigration system here is fucked. With the way they run it, it's absolutely no surprise how many people illegally come over. Don't put blinders on and get all accusatory of Mexicans etc, though - you could very well be looking at a puerto rican when you're judging people as illegals just because they're speaking another language.

It's not a matter of a one size fits all.
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Postby kaharthemad » Wed May 23, 2007 9:04 am

horrendous my ass. if you want to be a legal citizen I just gave you a perfect way to take care of wanting to be legal.

The work for citizenship is not a new idea. A few people have kicked it around before, however it gets shot down because that would make people have to 'work' to get something...oh hoes.

Everything in life has to be worked for. If more people would quit thinking the US government is supposed to jam a silver spoon up their ass it would be a better place.

Remember Illegal means just the ILLEGAL. No matter how you look at it. Just because these fuckers want the 'easy way out' and dont want to work to become a legal citizen fuck them. Flaunting our laws at us is the problem with most of the people to day.

You just kiss it off as 'oh well'

And whats one law broke? hell lets go for 2 how about 3? What can they do? Well any misdemeanor they get thrown over the fence only to climb it again 2 days later. So you rape a woman, get it marked down to Misdemeanor 2 Sexual assault and boom your free to go.

if Jose wants to come here. get a fucking work visa. I am all for them run a background check...say make him pay 50 american for the time it takes to process. But I am tired of both sides saying we need to be more secure while our borders are open.

make it so there is a large punitive accounting for anyone hiring a non legal visa carrier or an ILLEGAL alien. Make it so institutions will think twice before doing so again. Lets say 50,000 per illegal. And when the corporations stop hiring them as well as the farmers. And the problem goes away.

So the immigration system is fucked? clamp down on the system and fix it at the same time your fixing the border runners. Problem solved. You want to be a citizen here? Demonstrate a desire to become a citizen show proper training or something you can give as value to the US. Or go into a Work for citizenship program like I mentioned before and boom there you go.

Yeah shooting them is harsh and it was more of a joke then anything but we have to make it undesirable to flaunt our laws for coming here. How about if your caught more than once you get shipped to Quebec? Im sure the frech would love to have company.
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Postby Gypsiyee » Wed May 23, 2007 9:46 am

Kahar, please get off of your political rampage for just a second

Work visas are not easy to get - I don't think you have any first hand experience with it so you don't really realize what a detailed process it is. There are restricted limited visas handed out each year. One cannot just apply for a work visa - an employer must fill it out for you, and unless you're in a highly desired trade or working for pennies, chances are there's no employer who before you are a lawful resident and before they know anything about you will say yep we like you so much we'll go ahead and deal with the hours of paperwork it's going to take to hire you when they can hire some american joe off the street for much less work. You're under the impression that they just hand these things out like candy, and they don't - it's a long grueling process and you need to show a specific reason for being here - I want to be in a free and diverse country does not grant you access to the states legally, no matter if you're willing to work for it or not. It may have at one point, but that's not how it works now.

50 american isn't even CLOSE to the cost of coming to the states, and that's just for the forms. Each form you process has a fee attached to it, and 1 form isn't all you need.

I am by no means justifying those who hire illegal immigrants etc - what I'm saying is as difficult as they make it to become a legal resident of this country, it's positively no surprise that there are so many, good AND bad.

They don't allow immigrants to become members of the forces, so they can't 'give value to the US' in that sense - by that logic, the only people who should be able to immigrate are high profile doctors and such and if you're not a high caliber professional you're of no value to the states so keep out.

Like I said, you just aren't in the know of how the system works - you have your strong opinions about illegal immigrants and that's fine, but your ways of fixing it and opinions of how easy it is are certainly lacking information.
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Postby Lionking » Wed May 23, 2007 10:06 am

It is amnesty. It is complete bullshit. That is all.
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Postby Arlos » Wed May 23, 2007 10:32 am

Alright, you conservative types, please, tell us EXACTLY how you would go about rounding up oh, 8 to 10 million people and forcibly deport them? What are your logistical plans for this? If you're going to bitch about this plan you must have some plan of your own, right? Sorry, complaining "IT'S AMNESTY" without some counter-plan of your own that could realistically be employed is metaphorically pissing upwind and accomplishes nothing.

So really, I want to hear how you're going to FIND all these people, how you're going to collect 10+ MILLION people and get them to move anywhere. Do you expect no resistance to this? Do you expect no problems from relatives of theirs who ARE legal? Do you want paramilitary squads to be kicking in doors to conduct house to house searches for illegal immigrants hiding in the basement with no probable cause to pick the houses other than that you've heard hispanic people live there? Lets hear your methodology here. Honestly, I want to hear exactly how you're going to accomplish your apparent goal to deport every single one of these people. Well?

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Postby kaharthemad » Wed May 23, 2007 11:35 am

dont matter but giving them a free ride for breaking our laws is not the answer...its more like stupidity. How about we let all the convicted muderers out, cause after all it is one law right? While we are at it. Rapists can go free because hell they only did it once. Oh wait. Thats against the law. What is the difference between that and some greasy fuck that cant get a job in his own country?

And you gyp. pull your head out of your ass. It was a suggested law. Meaning for those too stupid to was suggested.

If you want an easy way of becoming a citizen? how about this.. 2years service in the military, reserves, coast guard, or we create a US Corp of engineers group specifically designed to build the damn border wall and patrol it.

The work for citizenship is not a new idea. A few people have kicked it around before, however it gets shot down because that would make people have to 'work' to get something...oh hoes.

Of all people I am pretty sure I know what constitutes who can get in the military and who cant. I am suggesting laws to be changed. Hell we need someone to cook and clean up shit. If they want to become LEGAL citizen. Fucking EARN IT.

As for the immigration read my post. I said...
So the immigration system is fucked? clamp down on the system and fix it at the same time your fixing the border runners. Problem solved. You want to be a citizen here? Demonstrate a desire to become a citizen show proper training or something you can give as value to the US. Or go into a Work for citizenship program like I mentioned before and boom there you go.

seems fairly obvious I am asking for a revamp.

As for how to get rid of them. Most are migratory. Cut off the food, in this case the money they can get for picking beans at 1.00 an hour and they will migrate somewhere else. Like I said . Stop giving them jobs. Problem solved. they will leave.

BTW correct me if I am wrong but is it not you peace loving, tree humping , bedwetting, whiney ass liberals that bitch about the minimum wage? But its ok to allow the mexicans to live here and get paid jackshit.

You think if they become citizens a magic fairy will come along and give them all minimum wage? Fucking dream on. And when they cant find anymore jobs here because Bob farms cant pay them 5.15 an hour because of wage laws, they will be on the unemployment line or better yet Welfare. Nice way to fuck up an already bloated problem.

Lionking wrote:It is amnesty. It is complete bullshit. That is all.

Truer words were never spoken.
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Postby Zanchief » Wed May 23, 2007 11:42 am

kaharthemad wrote:What is the difference between that and some greasy fuck that cant get a job in his own country?

Just curious why you hate them so much? You know most of them have to work, harder then you do I bet, and make a lot less then would be legally acceptable. You make it seem like they're looking for a free ride, when in fact it's quite the opposite.
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Postby kaharthemad » Wed May 23, 2007 11:50 am

last I checked dumbass, they are ILLEGALLY here. Thats why I hate them. When they are legally here. I have no problems with anyone.

But until they are here legally and without amnesty they need to rounded up and thrown over a very tall wall.

Setup work Visa make it it available to anyone without a criminal background. Also make sure they get a background check and fine. work till your hearts content. Come here illegally and frankly I have a problem with that.
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Postby Zanchief » Wed May 23, 2007 11:54 am

I find it funny that you question their work ethic. They work much harder than any "legal" citizen has to.
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Postby kaharthemad » Wed May 23, 2007 12:02 pm

im not question their work ethic dumbass. I am questioning their legality. They are ILLEGAL. Let me define it for your peasized brain ok?

Illegal: prohibited by law or by official or accepted rules; "an illegal chess move"

Legal: established by or founded upon law or official or accepted rules

see the difference?

What I am saying is if they want to be here legally fine. give them a fast track to citizenship. If they dont want it. throw them over the fence. Make sure the laws are setup that if a company is hiring known illegals then they get the law shoved so far up their ass they wont do it again.

They will get more money for the work they do, they will get free medical and they will become citizens. By doing this those willing to work will be set aside from those not wanting to work. Security checks will be in place, and we will have a better chance of weeding out the terrorists.

I honestly dont see anyone wanting to stay here complaining about this.

While we are on the topic. last I checked they aint invading Canada. If you want we can ship them when we catch them up to you.
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Postby Zanchief » Wed May 23, 2007 12:14 pm

You sure like the word dumbass.
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Postby kaharthemad » Wed May 23, 2007 12:20 pm

it fits you.
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Postby Arlos » Wed May 23, 2007 12:56 pm

So far, I have yet to hear any sort of realistic plan for getting rid of all of the people here illegally. You talk about "rounding them up and throwing them over a tall wall", well, fucknuts, how do you go about DOING that, hmmm?

Saying "cut off the jobs" is laughably unfeasable. It's the same sort of useless idological spouting that gives us the idea that "all we need to do to stop cocaine production is to get rid of the demand". Yeah, right, like that will *EVER* happen in the real world.

So lets see, we have into the 10+ million range of people involved here. Some of them with children who ARE by our laws US citizens, because they were born in this country. Many of them have relatives here. How are you a) going to find them to deport them, b) ACTUALLY ROUND THEM UP to deport them, c) convince Mexico to take them BACK (remember, by your lights they're criminals, and a country is under no obligation to take back criminals), etc.

Hell, how you're going to find them would be a good start. I guarantee you that people have relatives that will hide them, friends that will hide them, fake IDs to hide under, etc. etc. etc. I repeat: Are you condoning paramilitary units conducting house-to-house searches and interrogating any brown people you find? Warrantless searches and arrests with no probable cause other than skin tone or ethnicity is SO Constitutional, don't you think? Where are you going to put them once you round them up? Shall we build concentration camps in the desert big enough for 10 million people? Yeah, that'll fucking happen. Well?

Also, I can't believe I heard someone in this country suggesting building a structure akin to the Berlin Wall. Yes, that's right, lets build our OWN monument to oppression and tyranny, and man it with machine gun nests and barbed wire. I mean, the Berlin Wall was SO popular with the US and the entire western world, right? We so cheered those brave guards on the wall gunning down people trying to cross, right? Well, that's what you're advocating.

Anyway, not you, nor any of your conservative ilk have yet to produce 1 iota of substance resembling a feasable plan that could be implemented to accomplish your aims in the REAL WORLD. Not in your ideologically pure make-believe never-never land you seem to think we inhabit that exists solely in your group-think bigoted right-wing gestalt consciousness, but the REAL FUCKING WORLD. Those of us who live in the real world are still waiting for this plan of yours...

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Postby Gaazy » Wed May 23, 2007 1:14 pm

Dont get me wrong, I hate the fact that they are here illegally...but who else is going to do the hard physical jobs for jackshit pay that they do? Sure as hell not gonna be 98% of the population of this lazy ass country.
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Postby Snero » Wed May 23, 2007 1:38 pm

kaharthemad wrote:we could do a 3 strikes your out policy,

First time we catch them we fingerprint them.
Second we flog them and throw them back
Third time we televise the firing squad on EspTV

dude, you have some serious problems
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Postby kinghooter00 » Wed May 23, 2007 1:55 pm

flog....huh huh....
This problem will never be fixed...period. Mexicans are too smart and clever. They will find a way. As long as the grass is green, they will be here in america.
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