by Arlos » Wed Jul 25, 2007 9:51 pm
Yeah, they're still alive. I am even friends with a couple of them, though to be fair, they'd stopped doing that shit before I met them. But seriously, they'd take anything they found cleaning up; called it "Ground Score". I mean, sometimes, if it was E and pressed into a recognizable pill form, you could tell what it was, but WTF knows what a capsule with white powder in it is? One guy I talked to about it remembered taking this giant horse-pill sized thing one time, no clue wtf it was he was taking.
I can't even begin to understand that. I mean, I'm no saint, I've tried a lot of different substances, but I *ALWAYS* knew what it was I was putting into my body and how much of it I was putting in. I've never tried abusing legal pills actually, just never was popular during the times when I was more heavily doing stuff. Ultimately, for most drugs, it got to be the after-effects got to be more annoying than the fun I got from the initial high. E was like that. While I was high, sure, it was fun, everyone likes everyone, lots of hugging, dancing, kicking back, etc. But when I was on the tail end of it at about 5-6am, I started getting really bad temper/anger problems, I'd be utterly useless the entire next day, only slighly better 2 days later, and if I took it Saturday night/sunday am, I wouldn't get back to semi-normal until Wednesday. Sleep was hard as hell, food tasted weird, no energy or drive, etc. So, I just stopped doing it, there was no point.
I've also always tried to avoid the physically addictive stuff. For me, since I have ADD, speed was never an option for getting high. Fuck, for a while I was prescribed an amphetamine and it helped me sleep better when I was on legal speed. Cocaine, about all it did for me is make my head feel like it was stuffed with wool, my teeth felt numb and tingly, frequently I felt like I had a huge wad of phlegm I couldn't hack up (really uncomfortable), and yet had a strange desire to do more. 2 seconds of thought of "Gee, I didn't enjoy that, and yet I want to do it more out of proportion to how much I liked it... Yeah, lets not do that again." Never tried heroin, never wanted to try heroin, would never have tried it even if it were offered to me free. Only time I ever had morphine, I was half delirious with pain and fever, with a lower leg swelled up 3x its normal size and oozing giant pus patches, so I don't exactly have a happy association, or even memory of if it made me feel anything other than "not hurting so bad".
Shrooms were my hard drug of choice for a while, til their comedown got too bad, plus I had a semi-bad experience one time I took 'em when I was in a shitty mood. Acid never did shit for me, except one time I mixed it with E and had a FANTASTIC experience, but that's once. Best hallucinogen out there that I'd do again, no hesitation, is fucking rare as hell, called 2CB. But again, I'd only do that if I had a weekend to dedicate to being out of my skull.
No, these days it's pretty much just pot, which I use as much for pain control as I do for recreation. Most of my friends are pretty much the same way, just they're lucky enough not to have knees that hurt like hell 24x7.