Moderator: Dictators in Training
Lyion wrote:If Hillary wins Texas and Ohio, she'll win the nomination.
Tossica wrote:Seriously, there is NO WAY Sony is going to put HD-DVD out of the game.
tresk wrote:well im going to post this before i even come to the server so you guys know my interest.....and i well tell you about myself as well
i am a monk named tresk currently resideing on brell where there is no guild that is raiding elementals that need monks so there is no room for advancment there...
i am currently 65 with 104 aa and am fully elemental flaged........i have raiding experience with everything but solro minis, fennin ro, the avatars in air ( i have killed xegony), any raid event in earth, and anything to do with water.........i havent pulled for any of the raids i was on and noone was willing to teach me.........the extent of my raiding exp in pulling is vallon zek and one tower in solro
i am coming to nameless do to the fact i have a few friends there (though i am leaveing a lot of friends behind) for a chance to start over and maybe find a raiding guild that kills elemenatal gods and possibly time
if there are any such guilds let me know
sensei tresk
65 monk
Vivalicious wrote:Lots of females don't want you to put your penis in their mouths. Some prefer it in their ass.
tresk wrote:you guys flame a person without asking who they are exactly and trying to find out who they are........i hope i find people nicer then most of you on this server when i move guys flame a person without asking who they are exactly and trying to find out who they are........i hope i find people nicer then most of you on this server when i move
Narrock wrote:I don't like rabbits. They remind me of this chick I met on teh internet like 5 years ago.
just because i wasnt asked to pull raids doesnt mean i was ebay..........i have been playing since 2000 i think i know my class by guys flame a person without asking who they are exactly and trying to find out who they are........i hope i find people nicer then most of you on this server when i move
i had one flaged gimped to me and that was it the RZ flag because i knew a guild that didnt need the flags and just wanted the loot
but yeah once again never assume anything about a new person without asking more questions about them..........if you would like me to link the brell post i made i well give the link but ask for it
tresk wrote:if you would like me to link the brell post i made i well give the link but ask for it
Narrock wrote:I don't like rabbits. They remind me of this chick I met on teh internet like 5 years ago.
tresk wrote:i hope i find people nicer then most of you on this server when i move
i gimp
Vivalicious wrote:Lots of females don't want you to put your penis in their mouths. Some prefer it in their ass.
Mop wrote:On the other hand, this really is the sever if you want to hook up with chicks. The server may suck but at least you will get some
/t Tiriella she will hook you up, a 3rd rate guild and a second rate blow job.
/off to flames we go.
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