Being gay genetically is no more a "defect" than being left-handed is
That's what I was trying to say before ><
I think with what Zan is saying that isn't being caught is this - many years ago, there was no research that said that homosexuality had anything to do with genetics - it was assumed that it was all behavioral, and people chose to be that way - many christians still believe this, and always will
So with his oral sex example, if in 20 years it's discovered that the desire for it is also a genetic 'defect,' should we "cure" everyone who enjoys it? It doesn't make for reproduction afterall, and hetero couples could thrive on that for all of their needs and wants and never take part in intercourse, and how is that any different than taking part in homosexual intercourse on the norm?
What *I* was trying to say was that in the event there were no other sciences to allow homosexual couples to have babies, they could just as easily partake in the common practice of heterosexual intercourse if they wanted to reproduce, just as a couple could choose never to have intercourse unless it was to make a baby.
It has nothing to do with hippy bullshit, it has to do with you being a homophobe and viewing people different than you as wrong. Being a redhead is just as much an alteration of genes as being gay, fyi - I've met one redhead out of several that I actually like; they seem to harbor similar personalities.. so can we cure you of that defect so that you may be more tolerable to people who find you odd?
Newsflash as well - virgins don't reproduce either. That's not to insult, but homosexuals are causing no more danger to the human race than a virgin or a celibate person is. I'm sure you'll say 'that's ridiculous, apples to oranges' but how is it, exactly? You choose not to have sex, but could you? Sure you could. Homosexuals choose not to have sex with the opposite sex, but can they? They sure can.
Adam - as to what you said to Arlos.. being gay does not hurt your quality of life as having downs does. Being gay is not debilitating, it doesn't stop you from learning or functioning as a normal adult. Having downs does. Abortion, however, is a whole new can of worms