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Gaazy wrote:Now vonk on the other hand, is one of the most self absorbed know it alls in my memory of this site. Ive always thought so, and I still cant understand why in gods name he is here
vonkaar wrote:Mindia wrote:Vonk, although eloquently written (save for the self-Godly references) I will research your claims and statements and get back to you. After all... you wouldn't make the claim that you've just posted historical fact without accepting the possibility that the sources you used for your information-gathering are also based on opinion, and have also been interpreted and translated by many many people over hundreds and hundreds of years right?
Anyway, nice post. We'll talk soon.
Research != link this to your little bitch minister for help...
I probably have access to the same 'factual history' books that he/she/it owns. If you have to actually 'research' a comeback to a post that basically says, "Faith is all you need... love God, love your neighbor and love yourself" then you are more than a little pathetic. If we assume that I made up 99% of that, would my point be any different? Stop trying to condemn other people. Stop trying to make yourself seem better than others. Stop attempting to "prove" Christianity to people. Your own religion frowns on all of the above. Your own religion teaches 'love' above all else. What you have posted in these forums sets the worst possible example of Christianity. Ask yourself if you think that a non-member would possibly be interested in Christianity by reading your anti-everyone threads. The point of my post was NOT to give a history lesson (although it was fun), it was to talk about all the *wrong* things that you and your quasi-Christian brethren have been doing.
You are wrong... in so many ways. Do all the research you need to try and prove me wrong. The best that you can do is whimper away with a, "we are all sinners... blahblah we all judge." That's not a comeback, that's a cop-out. Justify your actions to be in within the teachings of Christ, or shut the fuck up.
I know I have a good heart and I know, without a doubt, that I'm a very good Christian and an honorable soldier for God.
I don't need to link this to my pastor. I'm sure that you in your 25 years of infinite wisdom, knowledge, and education surpasses that of a Pastor with a PhD, Master's Degree, 2 Bachelor's Degrees, and who has written about 20 books. You conceited, arrogant little prick (oops I sinned). Everything you have so eloquently posted and tried to pass off as a "history lesson" can be found on a google search. /Cong on your l33t search engine skills.
I'm now going to comment and respond to your philosophies. When you respond back to this post, I don't want to read any of your commentary on my debating skills, your perception of my comprehension skills, or any other non-related issue, throwing a tantrum out of "frustration" and refusing to comment any further. Stop being such a pussy.
I'm not going to say that religiously-speaking, it's "my way or the highway." I am, however, going to comment again on my beliefs and how they differ from others' beliefs. First of all, I understand that the Bible was written, and translated, by several dozen people over a couple hundred years. Can we get past that point yet? Thanks, drive thru.
Now let's assume something for a moment... Let's assume I believe that what was written in the Bible (as we know it today) was untampered with, true to God's word, and accurate. Now let's also assume that Catholics, Protestants, 7th-Day Adventists, Mormons, JW's, etc. also believe that the Bible was untampered with, true to God's word, and accurate. Now based on those assumptions how am I not being a Christian when I merely point out some very important things some of them are doing that goes against what the Bible says when we all believe in the same Bible? Oh, sure... you can play the "interpretation" card at this point, and I can buy that. But let me assure you... that my KJV Bible is the same as the KJV Bible you'll find in a Catholic Church, Lutheran Church, and a 7th-Day Adventist Church.
The mormons wrote the "Book of Mormon" which they hold equal to the Bible. I'm not going to say anything else about them after this. IN MY OPINION, and based on my FAITH, and based on what it says in SCRIPTURE THAT WE ALL BELIEVE TO BE TRUE, I believe the mormon church is misleading and brainwashing their members. Same goes for the Catholic church, but I'm tired of repeating myself with scripture that validates my claims, so I'll just leave it at that. If it makes you feel any better I will admit now that I was being somewhat judgmental. Do you feel all warm and fuzzy inside now?
Jesus said to not be concerned about a speck in someone else's eye when you yourself have a plank in your own eye. Did I violate that lesson with my opinion and commentary on the Catholics and Mormons? Apparently you seem to think so. Why is it ok and so important for you (Vonkaar) that I acknowledge I'm breaking Jesus' teachings (and sinning)by being judgmental and pointing out Scripture, which goes against what the Catholic and Mormon church teaches, but it's ok for you to turn around and be judgmental towards me? Where's the real hypocracy now?
Maybe you are right about one thing... that I shouldn't be concerned with others' beliefs and voice my opinions about them. But I am concerned when I see good people being misled and brainwashed by a fanatical cult. This is part of my outreach Ministry. What kind of Christian would I be to just sit back and do nothing as the sheep are being led off to the slaughter... when I had an opportunity to point things out to them and try to de-program them before it's too late? See, I'm not just saying "HAW YOU'VE GOT IT ALL WRONG YOU SCUMSUCKERS." I'm showing them where there is a problem, based on Scripture in which we all believe, and then offering a solution.
You try to pass yourself off as this high and mighty all-knowledgable Biblical guru and then chastise Christians like myself who have the balls enough to stand up to misleading cults and point out their shortcomings. And all you can say is... "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO POINT OUT ANYBODY'S SHORTCOMINGS?!!!" or whatever other rubbish you can muster up. You've got to do better than that. I will continue to be opinionated, and I will continue to fight for what I think is right, and to try to help people. If you don't like it that's your problem. I know I have a good heart and I know, without a doubt, that I'm a very good Christian and an honorable soldier for God.
Mindia wrote:Now let's assume something for a moment... Let's assume I believe that what was written in the Bible (as we know it today) was untampered with, true to God's word, and accurate. Now let's also assume that Catholics, Protestants, 7th-Day Adventists, Mormons, JW's, etc. also believe that the Bible was untampered with, true to God's word, and accurate. Now based on those assumptions how am I not being a Christian when I merely point out some very important things some of them are doing that goes against what the Bible says when we all believe in the same Bible? Oh, sure... you can play the "interpretation" card at this point, and I can buy that. But let me assure you... that my KJV Bible is the same as the KJV Bible you'll find in a Catholic Church, Lutheran Church, and a 7th-Day Adventist Church.
Stop being such a pussy.
Thanks, drive thru.
Taxx wrote:Valantha I'm so surprised you don't attend church anymore...oh that's right you're a crack-whore and that's kinda frowned upon.
thon wrote:Quote #1
Mindia, you didn't even try and refute anything vonkaar pointed out while thrashing the bible
Mindia wrote:Quote #2
my KJV Bible is the same as the KJV Bible you'll find in a Catholic Church
Mindia wrote:Quote #3
it's ok for you to turn around and be judgmental towards me? Where's the real hypocracy now?
Vonkaar Goatsex0r wrote:Quote #4
If 99% of your posts on a message board are based on religion, they shouldn't consist of hatred towards another person. They should consist ENTIRELY of why YOU love YOUR religion. Stop trying to poke holes in a religion that just might bring as much JOY to its members as your religion brings to you. Doing anything short of that is judging. It is sinning. It is misrepresenting your church. It is misrepresenting your God. It is un-Christlike.
It is WRONG.
That is how I feel about the few REAL Christians I've met. Their outlook is simple: they love Christ. Nothing else matters. They could be Baptist, Catholic, Methodist or Mormon. It doesn't matter, they love Christ. Nothing else matters.
Tossica wrote:Quote #5
As usual Mindia, you are missing the big picture. The single most important message is "love the neighbor". That's it. It's that simple. If you argue with Vonkaar at this point, it's beyond pathetic. There really is no argument.
Taxx Unreal Suxicon wrote:Quote #6
KaiineTN wrote:Quote #7
I had a lot of experience with people like Mindia when I was trying out the Excel business, and frankly, they're all stupid fucks. Seriously.
Jirig wrote:Quote #8
You're a bad christian
Thon wrote:Quote #9
did you suffer a closed head injury as a child?
John 15:19 wrote: Quote #10
"If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you."
Gaazy wrote:Now vonk on the other hand, is one of the most self absorbed know it alls in my memory of this site. Ive always thought so, and I still cant understand why in gods name he is here
Lourdes wrote:Aw, don't feel bad Val.
Taxx just hates whores. That's what you are. I wouldn't feel bad about it.
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