He raped the military budget
Really? I would have swore we were spending more on the military than any other 10 countries combined and its a huge waste of fuckin money.
Also where is this wealth redistribution you are speaking of and what is it ? By wanting to tax the richest % a bit more and wanting to get rid of Bushes tax cuts ?
He's engaged in numerous shady business transactions, making his friends richer
Come on dont be a hack this is everyone in washington no matter what the name is or what the party they come from. Its what a big part of that ows movement that you dont seem to understand is about.
As far as fixing the conomy goes its kind of hard to undue the damage that has been done to it over the past 30 years over night. Yes Clinton and Bush helped lay the ground work for an epic mess that is going to take years to clean up.
He appointed a fucking loser with no bench experience
Hack trolling
His close friends and associates are fellow constitution-stomping communists
More intellectual dishonesty. Look I get it you dont like him, I am far from his biggest fan and think he is a weak leader But that is just partisan shit talking.
last but not least as far as health care goes I will answer that with a question of my own. If a mother fucker gets sick with something that can be cured but he lost his job or is just barely getting by should we let that man die ? Healthcare in our country i a nightmare where the ceos are walking away with tons of money . people are being under covered and in general it costs a fortune. Something has to be done about it but his gift to the HCP industry by making everyone buy shitty insurance isnt the answer.