Lyion wrote:I'm willing to try something new and I'm hopeful someone can come up with a better solution, but the Democrats had a super majority and the executive branch so the vast amount of what was done over the last 8 years was done from the left.
this is a very skewed interpretation
first of all the dems only had a supermajority for about a year tops, just long enough to punch the ACA through. since then the govt has done absofuckinlutely nothing whatsoever - so the "vast amount of what was done over the last 8 years" really only happened in the first 2. yea sure POTUS has done some things here and there (too-little-too-late EPA regs, immigration deferments) but since the idiot hell fuckers took over the house in 2010 not a single large-scale thing has happened that wasn't a result of a SCOTUS ruling. plus all signs point to another impending shutdown as the tearrorists glue an attempt to defund planned parenthood to anything and everything within arm's reach, despite PP not getting any federal funding for abortion and despite abortion being only 3% of what they do and despite the millions of women who depend on them for non-abortion (and even non-contraceptive) care
Lyion wrote:I also have no problem with paying my fair share of taxes, and I've done so my entire life. I'm just frustrated by the waste and corruption in our government. I'm irked that so much money is spent on things not in the purview of the government. Government to me is inefficient, expensive, and often times corrupt.
lots of sense here. i'm sure we would have disagreements over what we both think falls within the purview of the government, but i fully agree re: waste, corruption, inefficiency, cost, etc
Lyion wrote:On the flip side, I would argue our country is far from a failure. People are working. GDP is growing. Our quality of life is good.
we are not a failure, but we are on a decline. people are working, but too many are underemployed and/or pasting together multiple part-time jobs. GDP and overall productivity are growing, but wages have not budged in 35+ years. quality of life is good, but people suffer and die all the time from preventable diseases due to lack of access to adequate health care. and whether it's jobs, wages, or access to health care, the GOP continually (and gleefully) stands in the way of progress across the board.
Lyion wrote:In my opinion, our government was not built to be a unitary executive with vast federal powers. I'm concerned some want to concentrate even more power in DC, instead of limiting exactly what our government can and should be doing.
again i feel we would have different ideas about what the govt can and should be doing, but i share the overall sense of too much power being concentrated there.
Lyion wrote:We are approaching 20 trillion in debt. The global economy is causing many parts of businesses to leave America. I also don't agree with raising corporate taxes without any form of pro growth policies that create private sector jobs which are the lifeblood of our way of living. The other issues I see are large corporate welfare and regulations designed to be anti competitive under the guise of 'protections'.
two wars and medicare part D on a credit card + erosion of financial regulations (particularly glass-steagall) = massive deficits. massive deficits + time = massive debt. funny how we always find money for war but we can't scrape together enough to feed homeless veterans. funny how we always crow about how great main street america is on our way to buy cheap chinese-made garbage at walmart. funny how the banking crisis that blew a hole in our economy just 8 years ago hasn't taught us anything and that the TBTF banks who fucked us then are even bigger and more unregulated now. funny how at least half of us believe that banning abortions will prevent them from happening, yet banning guns won't stop anyone from getting guns. i could go on and on, but suffice to say there are deep flaws in our nation's view of reality that are quite a bit bigger than our political system can handle, and at any rate they won't be fixed while congress has a 90% reelection rate and the toxic brew of citizens united + bucky v valeo lets the rich control the govt wholesale
Lyion wrote:What I'd personally like to see are term limits, balanced budget amendment, and the executive and judicial branches doing what they are supposed to do and not to legislate. The bumper crop of Presidential candidates all are promising vast legislative changes which are completely out of the purview of the responsibilities of the executive branch which the public seems to ignore for some reason.
i have mixed views on term limits - obviously they help control corruption and the calcification of congress into nothing but old rich millionaires that have lived inside the DC bubble for so long they stop understanding ordinary american life, but it also has a way of limiting the amount of collective legislative experience those bodies can draw upon to do their jobs. i think Nebraska has an interesting workaround actually, our unicameral state senate (we have the only unicameral in the nation!) limits senators to two
consecutive terms. it's common knowledge the rule was passed to get rid of ernie chambers, but after taking a term off he ran again and defeated the incumbent quite easily. that model might work for US congress - it prevents any one person from monopolizing an office for decades and occasionally forces fresh blood in, but doesn't permanently disqualify particularly popular congresscritters from returning if the people really want them back. for that matter, my boss has a pretty cool idea about the POTUS, he says we should limit them to a single 6-year term so s/he doesn't have to spend the entire 4th year campaigning for reelection. just a thought
i am not a big fan of the balanced budget amendment idea. it's nice in theory, but what happens when some crazy shit goes down and we don't have the cash to pay for it? like say we finally balanced the budget - you know, like clinton did - but another katrina or 9/11 or sandy happens? "sorry, millions of americans, but we stapled our dicks to this amendment that says we are literally not allowed to spend a penny more than we have, and we didn't budget for this, so you're totally out of luck." no thanks
finally i don't particularly feel like the judicial branch is legislating. some decisions i really loathe and other decisions really pleased me (and if i ever meet scalia in person i'm going to break my hand on his stupid face) but i feel 99% of the time when someone accuses them of "legislating from the bench" it's usually because they're pissed about a particular ruling. you have a much better argument about the executive branch attempting to legislate, but again i also sorta feel like the POTUS is really only doing what he can with the agencies under his direct control (EPA for example) since congress has done nothing but sit on each other's thumbs for the past 5 years
mandatory pisstake: hey at least
someone's legislating