For those of you who don't know us, Jaded Dissent is a Classic Ever Quest guild on Mordan Rasp that has limited themselves to only old world content and equipment (Kunark and Pre-Kunark only) and will progress through each expansion there after at their own pace. Please visit for more info and to read our charter.
....Our first wave of recruiting was such a huge sucess that we had to put a hold on recruiting for a while to settle in with our new members. Well, after a few fun events and lots of leveling, we are ready to open the doors back up to those interested. We actually had a waiting list while the doors were closed.
This wave of recruitment will be for levels 1-30 of any class.
We are now low on Enchanters, Clerics, Druids and Wizards.
We are looking for mature players who aren't intersted in the power gaming aspect. We are basically a group of "Oldies-but-Goodies" who have experienced the high end of the game and want to re-live the "olden days" of EQ. We have found that our guild doesn't appeal to the "younger" crowd or those new to the game and who are interested in quick results instead of smelling the roses. We are very laid back without any demands on play time. We are basically here to have fun without the high end/loot baggage that comes along with the uber raiding guilds.