by Dosi » Wed Oct 20, 2004 4:02 pm
Soloing with a druid is about the easiest thing to do that I've come across in the game so far. A solo fight generally goes: Moonfire, Attack, wait 10 seconds, Moonfire, Rejuvenation, wait 12 seconds, pick up your loot, repeat. That's the way to fight without ever having downtime. If you want downtime, you just find a pile of about 3 or 4 mobs, Moonfire all of them, hit Hurricane, Rejuvenation, Bear-Form, attack each mob for about 10 seconds, pick up your loot, sit for a few seconds, repeat.
In a group a druid is a pain in the ass to play, just because of mana conservation and usage. Druids have a lower intellect (less mana) than most casters, but a higher spirit (more regen); so you have to group all your spells together more or you run out of mana fast. If you know the role you have to play going in to the group it's a lot easier, but most of the time you have to decide, fight to fight, what role you have to play, because most groups aren't "the perfect setup". The druid fits into pretty much every need in the game, just not as well. Bear is a mediocre tank, Cat is a mediocre rogue, Caster is a mediocre healer or dps caster. The druid dies the most, at least in guild groups, but I think that's more just a conspiracy against me in the guild more than anything else.
I'll just put some cliches here and everyone will be happy.
Random song lyrics: "Look to the the stars, and let hope burn in your eyes. And we'll love, and we'll hope, and we'll die. All to no avail, all to no avail!"
Random quote from someone else on board: "I play with faggots..." -- Taxx (fun with elipses)
Every character name I've ever played in a video game ever: Jack(uup)/Klatu/Silus/Dosi/Voeda/UnhappyFish