I was a dwarf warrior...was in STG for awhile then BOD...i stayed in the Bazaar arena for hours at a time. Your names familiar also Tad, were you by any chance a monk? An iksar monk?
Yo whats up tad im startin to remmeber you. So much memories in their with the crew...Trepiz, Loralonn, Brambasen...all i can remember right now. I played WoW for awhile but got sick of...might be getting eq2 or guildwars..do you play either?
I played WOW awhile back...got boring and I have no time now. Football season is just starting up, one of three baseball seaons has ended and the second is just starting up.
Dude, you were the little bitch who would blind me with your damn breastplate, weren't you?
Hahahahahahahahah You know it. Got that baby off Ragefire, as a warrior it was like my only advantage. I would farm those crap right click root nets from that zone in velious off the orc fort. Good to see ya again Tad. What guild were you in? I dont think you were BoD.
No, I hated BoD. Wasn't guilded when I last played for awhile. Didn't have the time to raid and would farm shit with a group of friends (now that was fun -- killing 'raid mobs' that used to take a full raid with a group or less).
Those are two names that I haven't heard in a very..very long time >.<
"I think you may be confusing government running amok with government doing stuff you don't like. See, you're in the minority now. It's supposed to taste like a shit taco." - Jon Stewart