after my promotion.
I was talking to a customer. HIm and his wife have been working on designing there new house for over a year. When I asked how it was coming along, he tld me they were going through a divorce, but he was going ahead with plans. Blah blah blah. I told him to give me his email address and I would send him some sites that he would enjoy looking at. His response was "MAke sure to inlude some good porn" To which I laughed and changed the subject to his job. I didn't want to have that conversation with him, but I certainly didn't want to be rude and tell him not to talk like that.
Obviously another associate/customer overheard part of our conversation, picked out what he/she wanted to hear, went to my store manager and told him that I was selling myself on websites to customers and that they should do some investigating to see what was going on.
I got called into the office. I told them the whole story and that I was talking about and some other websites where you can actually go in a design paint schemes, etc. I was so pissed. They wouldn't let me read the official complaint, but said it was several people. The only other two people up there at that time were a customer and the girl who was pissed because they gave me the promotion and not her. Makes me wonder.....
Anyway, after hearing what I was talking about, they decide not to document my file. If it was the other girl, should I start documenting my own file of every time she pulls this shit? She has already given me problems and I have only been in the position for two weeks, yet she undermines me at every turn. I understand why she is upset, she stepped up and took care of things while they didnt have a supervisor, only to be told that she still had a lot to learn (she's only 19) Her husband is a supervisor of another department, so I don't want to start a war, but she isn't even giving me a chance in the position.